Anna’s War

Anna’s War

From Russia comes this incredibly realistic and disturbing award-winning drama which highlights the resilience and strong determination of a young Jewish girl to survive the Nazi’s ongoing slaughter of Jews.

Set in Ukraine in November 1941, the opening scene is the most frightening and confronting ever witnessed in films of this genre. The screen is darkened for 30 seconds as horrifying screams and the sound of firing machine guns can be heard – then silence. The screen lights up to a seemingly endless sweeping shot of dead bodies semi-buried in shallow graves, as a young girl named Anna wriggles away from the dead and escapes.

Anna’s ‘war’ to survive, staying miraculously hidden in the chimney of a Nazi’s headquarters, will haunt moviegoers long after leaving the theatre.

The success of this film lies principally in the astounding performance of the child actress (Marta Kozlova) who doesn’t speak but conveys her emotions through facial expressions. The minimal dialogue/subtitles utilised and the technique of fading momentarily into darkness after every scene succeeds in resonating the girl’s disconnection from the world and the desperation as she clung onto life.

Gripping and heart wrenching to watch, the effect of being isolated with zero human contact for a long period of time is conveyed to audiences, who should be appalled that a young child had to endure such an ordeal in what must be considered the darkest chapter in history. (MMo)


Jun 30. Note: ** One session only at 3:30 pm. ** Event George Street Cinemas. From $16. Tickets & Info:

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