Asterix: The Secret Of The Magic Potion

Asterix: The Secret Of The Magic Potion

The land of Gaul and the land of Aus are oceans apart in culture, customs and, ideologies. A bunch of old Druids, wise elders looking out for their village, led by the very old, Getafix, must find a younger successor to guard the secret of the magic potion, which has the power to change people into superhumans. A great premise with lots of promise. The thing is Australian kids don’t really know much about Druids. Best to explain that these Druids are like members of a town council planning for the good of all who dwell in their locality.

So far, so good but, what is the magic potion and why is it important? Well, it’s important because without it someone like, Sulfurix, or Demonix in the Aussie version, the baddie of the piece, could gain control of the land? Maybe this is relevant because Sulfurix is a bit of a firebug and fire is dangerous in the wrong hands. Asterix and Obelisk set forth in aid of Getafix, and, along the way, become expert advisors on the aptitudes of various candidates for the job of head Druid. Poor Sulfurix can only turn fire into butterflies. A skill which he has been told is quite useless. No wonder he’s a tad annoyed with the Druid clan and decides to sabotage the magic potion.

Anyway, it is finally proven that the magic potion can only work when everyone pulls together.

This 3D animated film is sometimes a little above the age level it is aimed at though, the action more than makes up for it. Great for fans. Shiny golden sickles, manic Roman centurions and a range of quirky characters applying for the role of successor make up for what gets lost in translation.



Reviewed by Renne Lou Dallow

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