Book Week

Book Week

Frustrated high school teacher and once-successful writer Nicholas Cutler (Alan Dukes) finally has a new publishing deal on the horizon. He has one week to do some minor rewrites, stay out of trouble, and participate in the odd media puff piece. Sounds easy enough, but with a reputation for drunkenness, recklessness, and cantankerousness, an evening of celebrations is only the first of a series of events that threaten his potential prosperity. Brushes with the law, several women, and relatives pressuring him to donate an organ to a dying relative, lead him to a point where he can either unravel or take responsibility and put others first.

Supported by a strong Australian cast, Alan Dukes – an actor with long list of stage and television credits – does not miss his chance to shine in the leading role.


Reviewed by Craig Coventry.

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