Halfway – Rain Lover

Halfway – Rain Lover

Brisbane’s eight-piece band Halfway is back, releasing their new album Rain Lover!

Catchy as always, the musicians from Brisbane again show their talent for great guitar and drum accords. In particular Swinburne Ashes and The Old House are characterised by those instruments.

It’s already their sixth album which includes both deep as well as cheering melodies.

Different intros and memorable choruses offer the basis for this release.

The mixture of alt-country and rock harmonise perfectly together making the songs a real joy.

Particularly Two And A Half Percent Of A Dream sticks out for its special intro.

While listening to The Metallic Taste Of Bad News makes you feel melancholic and thoughtful, Night Of Light touches you, uplifting and cheerful.

Definitely following up from the previous ones Rain Lover invites the listener to dream and think in different ways and thanks to its various contrasting tracks is a great choice for any mood and any situation.

★★★ ½

Reviewed by Lili Sekkai

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