47 Meters Down

47 Meters Down

Ever since Jaws went down in cinema history as a masterpiece that made people stay away from beaches, Hollywood has recognised the power of the natural world and our fear for killer animals on the big screen.

47 Meters Down is the latest horror survival film about two young sisters (played by Mandy Moore and Claire Holt) who adventure out on a holiday to Mexico and get lured in by two local young guys to step inside a cage that will take them underneath the ocean to witness some of the biggest and most dangerous sharks on earth. Of course the worst outcome you could imagine becomes the sisters reality as the cage breaks and they are plummeted down to the bottom of the ocean with very little oxygen and killer sharks swimming all around them.

Directed by Johannes Roberts, 47 Meters Down has a very basic plotline and it really is for filmgoers who enjoy a good fright or shock but otherwise it doesn’t really impress on any other front.


Reviewed by Daniel Jaramillo.

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