Jack River – Highway Songs No. 2

Jack River – Highway Songs No. 2

The Highway is a lonely place, and that sense of loneliness comes through the five tracks of HIghway Songs No. 2. Strong and so short that the listener must play it a few times to take it in.

A dreamy group of self aware ‘love songs gone wrong’, this brief album is a perfect accompaniment for a drive down a long road without any trees, cows or even other people.

Quirky and perceptive, these tracks are full of the other woman – she is so present in the mind that she strips the self away from the voice, leaving it bodiless, hanging over the top of a roadside stop, narrating the scene. The listener will want to crank this airy voice in the car when they are feeling especially invisible.

Electric and on the move, these highway songs add a bit of energy to a long monotonous drive. (SP)


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