Who Speaks for Me?

Who Speaks for Me?

Imagine moving to a foreign country where you know no one, can’t speak the language and their way of living is completely different to what you know. This is the story for so many people residing in Australia, and Annette Shun Wah has decided to tell their story with Who Speaks for Me?

This production displays the struggles of arriving in a new country and not being able to speak the language. Three families from Bhutanese, Vietnamese and Cambodian backgrounds living in Western Sydney relate their experiences using personal stories and photographs.

As writer and producer Shun Wah wanted to challenge the notion that just because someone doesn’t speak the language, they can’t contribute to society.

“Our storytellers are living proof of how wrong and simplistic that notion is,” she explained.

“I also believe stories like these give us a fuller and more accurate picture of contemporary Australian life, which is vital if we are to truly understand who we are.”

Shun Wah has experienced this herself and recalls her stepmother’s preparation for her citizenship ceremony.

“She was so nervous about not being able to repeat the oath. As a very young child – around 7 or 8 – I tried to help her pronounce words such as ‘allegiance’ even though I wasn’t sure what the oath meant!” (AMal)

Oct 12–15 (Wed-Fri 7.30, Sat 2pm + 7.30pm). Riverside Theatre Parramatta, cnr Church & Market Streets, Parramatta. $27-$37. Tickets & info: www.riversideparamatta.com.au


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