Columbia Buffet – How To Survive An Atomic Bomb

Columbia Buffet – How To Survive An Atomic Bomb

Within the music there is an unavoidable image of a beach, one where teenagers fall in love, fight and probably get back together – accompanied by rhymes that pour out and describe their deepest, most desperate feelings.

This reviewer (and no doubt some of the listeners) has never lived by the beach, but in these fluid punk songs I can imagine it well. This music allows you to go back to your younger days (or reinvigorate your still young days) even when far away from beaches and lovers. Vicarious feelings wash in and out like the waves, not all of them friendly but all of them rushing with the vivid force of living.

When it comes to creating memories that never existed, to building instant nostalgia for imagined pains, and to feel that innocence that never really leaves us, Brisbane band Columbia Buffet’s album is a go to. (SP)


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