The Man Who Knew Infinity

The Man Who Knew Infinity

Based on true events, The Man Who Knew Infinity tells the remarkable story of the mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. Despite no formal training, Ramanujan made valuable contributions to the field of mathematics, many of which are still used and applied today.

Having lived in Madras, India his whole life, Ramanujan (Dev Patel) has his world upended when he is invited by Professor G.H. Hardy (Jeremy Irons) to Cambridge University to further analyse his bold new theorems.

Patel and Irons do well to highlight the complex relationship between the two men, at times productive and touching, and other times fractious and insensitive. The immense sacrifices Ramanujan made in bringing his work to the West is also well portrayed.

Combined with excellent cinematography and attention to historical detail, The Man Who Knew Infinity does justice to Ramanujan, Hardy and the important work they accomplished. (ASim)




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