Audiences who enjoy quality cinema won’t be disappointed in this highly crafted historical drama, exquisitely filmed with memorable performances from a sublime cast.

This captivating story of a young lady who migrates from Ireland to Brooklyn in the early 1950’s, details the hardships endured for new beginnings and a better quality life in a strange new country. The separation from her loving family, the tragedy and loss which ultimately envelops her life and the emotional upheaval experienced when she’s torn between two loves, are storylines which deliver a highly dramatic and heartfelt motion picture.

Oscar nominated Saoirse Ronan is outstanding as Eilis Lacey and leads a strong cast including Julie Walters, who provides on-going comedic relief from the lingering heartache. Brid Brennan is fabulous as Miss Kelly, the villain of the piece.

This film is complemented by an intense script, a beautifully composed musical score and the incredible replication of the era, with much detail given to costumes, hairstyles and sets.

Soap opera elements and some needlessly melodramatic moments are evident, but ultimately this is a stylish and endearing film relevant to Australian audiences. (MMo)




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