Short+Sweet Bollywood

Short+Sweet Bollywood

If you find yourself frequently dreaming of a world where fully choreographed song-and-dance routines are the norm and not the exception. The latest version of the Short+Sweet Bollywood festival might be right up your alley.

Short+Sweet Bollywood celebrates short and to the point theatre pieces that have been successful run throughout India. These festivals have taken place in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad.

 “It’s the first ever time an art form from another country has been featured as part of the festival in Australia. I’m really excited,” Director Aishveryaa Nidhi explains,“Because we are bringing together culture and community and it can be any dance form. The only condition is that it has to be set to music from Bollywood films.”

The audience can expect from the festival more than 30 different performances however the stand out performances are the dances, both solos and group including people of all different ages, abilities and genres, from all across Sydney.

“Expect a good time,” Nidhi enthuses, “It will be very colourful and a very entertaining evening.”

There will also be an accompanying event, Fast+Fresh Bollywood, taking place alongside to showcase the performances of those under the age of 18. (SW)


17-22 March 2015, the Fusebox Theatre, The Factory, 105 Victoria Rd, Marrickeville. Tickets $28-$33., (02) 9550 3666.

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