Maru Tarang – Blue City

Maru Tarang – Blue City

Rising, twisting, gaining in volume and vigour, like a slowly waking cobra, this is kind of music by Maru Tarang.

A lush combination of sounds made by men of different cultures, on instruments from different countries mesh together bouncing and building in a trancelike blend.

Rhythmic structures upon repetitive foundations work there way through the listeners’ brain, opening it to music beyond western ideas.

The collaborative effort in Blue City incorporates both sides of the world in one album. Organically developing between the musicians, enveloped in the voices of history, melding blues, traditional India and an Australian feel with shared innovation.

It’s a slow build, multiple melodies and natural flowering rhythm is a lengthy exploration, requiring some focus to hear the intricacies of the music unfold. (SP)

Star Rating: 3

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