Every Second
Image: Photo: Wendell Teodoro

Darlinghurst Theatre Company and AccessA (Access Australia) present this new Australian production, a daring yet witty play. Every Second depicts the common issue of infertility and the struggles of starting a family.

“It has the personal struggles and the strain of relationships through it emotionally,” says Simon Corfield, who portrays Tim, “while it’s doing that it still manages to be rather funny and lighthearted.”

Every Second is a very personal production to playwright, Vanessa Bates, as she experienced these same issues not long ago when she found out that she and her husband were infertile. Personal experience coupled with wry observations and bitter truths illustrate a common problem in society today.

“You can tell it’s quite personal, the way she (Bates) handles the shifts in relationships in the structure of the play,” says Corfield, “it is such a current issue and problem that doesn’t really get spoken about in the artistic world.”

Darlinghurst Theatre Company has partnered with AccessA to help raise awareness about infertility. AccessA is a not-for-profit organisation that provides life support for men and women who experience difficulties conceiving their families. (CT)

Jun 27–Jul 27, Darlinghurst Theatre, 39 Burton St, Darlinghurst, $30-43, darlinghursttheatre.com



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