Of course you have a personality; the slogan on your tote bag declares it. Your personality is undefinable, non-perceivable, and above all, could never be placed into a system of nine personality types.

If you agreed with that, you probably fall into category number four: Individualist. If you disagreed, perhaps you are number nine: Peacemaker.

Shaun Parker, director and choreographer of Happy As Larry, studied the Enneagram Personality system for ten years and has turned his discoveries into a physically driven, uplifting performance.

When Parker realised that he fell into The Performer category, he became more aware of the influence it had on his happiness, giving him more control over his life, and he began to wonder if this was the same for other city dwellers. In our modern cities, it would seem that we have everything we could ever need, but do we really know how to be happy?

The cast of characters comes from the nine personality types to create an uplifting exploration of the elusive nature of happiness.

This sonic and visually astounding show combines elements of ballet, break-dance, roller-skating and pulsating dance set to a pop-infused classical score by Nick Wales and Bree van Reyk. (AE)

Sep 10-14, Seymour Centre, City Rd & Cleveland St, Chippendale, $20-75, (02) 9351 7940, seymourcentre.com


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