Letter: Liveable Green Network

Letter: Liveable Green Network
Clover’s “Liveable Green Network” not liveable or green
Robert Sullivan is right to report that “According to Clover Moore” Sydney Council’s Liveable Green Network “sets the framework for high quality public streets” (City News, July 7).
However, this is clearly incorrect. Is this another Clover Moore-ism?
In both Victoria Street and Challis Avenue, Potts Point, council proposes butchering heritage-listed streets to build on-street, two-way cycleways. It has even printed 30,000 maps showing them already in existence.
Council’s planning führer, Graham Jahn, states such plans were “adopted by council in 2007.”
But Clover Moore’s letter of 26 August 2010 explicitly contradicts him, stating that “no plans are being developed and no works are planned”.
So who is misleading whom?
With two confirmed deaths caused by cycleways in Waterloo, Clover Moore already has blood on her hands.
And with thousands of school children from nearby St Vincent’s Girls’ Catholic School and pedestrians in the densest urban area in Australia using streets with only three metre-wide lanes, there will be more blood on the streets as car parking is permanently removed and businesses go bankrupt.
This “Liveable Green Network” is neither liveable, workable nor sustainable.
We have written to Clover Moore as our MP but expect no resolution because of inherent conflicts of interest.

Andrew Woodhouse

Potts Point and King Cross Heritage Conservation Society





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