Novo Amor – Birthplace

Novo Amor – Birthplace

Novo Amor’s debut album, Birthplace, will bring about goosebumps in all listeners.

Novo’s ethereal falsetto is absolutely stunning. Exhilarating instrumental buildups containing strings, piano, and percussion are juxtaposed with softer breakdowns in which the spotlight is on Novo and his voice. His music is certainly emotional in nature and is perfect for a rainy, and preferably sad, car ride.

It is after a couple of songs, however, that the album becomes forgettable. The previously mentioned falsetto, although beautiful, is used for the entire album. Novo needs to show his versatility as a vocalist. A listener will frequently check his or her phone to see if he or she is still listening to the same song, or if a new one has come on; they are all very similar and blend together. Additionally, it is very hard to understand Novo for the entire album. The songs on Birthplace lack a certain catchiness which might be necessary for his first true breakthrough in the music industry.


Reviewed by Will Fournier

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