David Cork (Lachlan Woods) is a cubicle slave in a big corporate bank, trying to get away with doing as little company work as possible so he can work on his manga comic artwork. He’s obsessed with Foxy Chaos, a manga character created by his hero, and on a work night out spots a woman dressed as Foxy from across the room. Determined to track her down, he finds out her name is Ruby and she works for none other than Endobank – his employer.

We follow two plot lines that explore David’s attempt to get to know Ruby as well as try to save his workplace from Max Menkoff, a Russian HR consultant with extremely unorthodox methods.

Murder and office mayhem ensue, and it’s down to David and Ruby to save the day. This is a quirky film with an oddball plot but unfortunately lacks characters to care about. (LS)

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