Image: Photo: Helen White

Nick Payne’s Constellations will light up Sydney theatregoers this August, with an avant-garde production performed at the Eternity Playhouse.

Portrayed by Sam O’Sullivan and Emma Palmer, this distinct love story will be a special piece of imagination to share with audiences using the ever-interesting multiverse theory as inspiration.

“A couple fall in love; in some instances they choose to spend their life together and in other instances they choose to go their separate ways. There’s no one story, it’s a collage of assorted stories. One relationship, infinite possibilities,” O’Sullivan explains.

“It’s all to do with free will, how choices early on in life can have different outcomes, and a certain butterfly effect on your circumstances later in life. I believe the message is: you’ve got the power to choose, that your life is yours, and that you only live it once, so go for it,” he says.

A play that will leave audiences star gazing for a while, the lustre of Constellations will continue to grow.

“I can’t think of a play that this is like at the moment. If people want to explore the multiverse theory, and how it could apply to their lives, then I think they should definitely come along and see it,” says O’Sullivan. (RBM)

Aug 13-Sep 7, Darlinghurst Theatre, 39 Burton St, Darlinghurst, $30-43,


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