The second phase of the Marvel Universe franchise has finally begun, the eagerly awaited Iron Man 3 is here and what a statement new director and writer Shane Black has made.

Following the traumatic events in New York at the end of the Avengers film, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jnr) is a more settled but world-weary Iron Man. The results of his party-boy lifestyle have caught up with him and he must face them head-on as well as new nemesis, The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley).

Special effects with a subtle 3D element are just the right amount of bang for the action scenes and there are twists and turns played to near-perfection by an outstanding cast in a more mature story.

A troubled Stark still pops with his trademark humour and bravado, which keeps the entertainment levels high during dark times, but successfully avoids being inappropriate. (LL)


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