Glebe resident receives OAM

Glebe resident receives OAM

Neil MacIndoe is a recent recipient of the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for his service to the community through the preservation of local heritage in the Glebe region and contribution to local government.

He has been the planning convenor of The Glebe Society since 2000 and was a Councillor of Leichhardt Municipal Council during the 1990’s. Chief among his goals in that period were the improvement of the level of childcare and the increase of community participation.

Through The Glebe Society, Mr MacIndoe has endoresed heritage policies opposing developments detrimental to the heritage conservation values, advocating to preserve the natural architectural character of Glebe. The Glebe Society’s policies promote an interest in heritage conservation and appropriate maintenance practices, and stimulate interest in the historical character of Glebe.

Knowledgable and interested in architecture, Mr MacIndoe spent a year living in Europe and it raised his awareness of the need to take care of city heritage.

Mr MacIndoe is a developer for the Glebe Walks being adapted for Iphone and mobile devices.

He works within the Glebe Society Committee to encourage the discussions on the Harold Park site, a 1,200 dwelling project still in the preliminary stages. They want to be sure that once the development is finished by 2020, the services and facilities will be enough to support the local population increase. According to MacIndoe, it is a privilege to live in Glebe, an area proud of its working class begginings and a wide diversity of cultures and nationalities.

On June 24, the Labor Party had a meeting in Glebe attended by around 50 people. MacIndoe says that Glebe is still a left wing and socially progressive area but he thinks that it would be desirable to have the Labor Party opening a pre selection process for all New South Wales as it was done for the elections for the city of Sydney.

Neil MacIndoe sees this pre selection process as the best way to bring people back to the party and doesn´t see himself as a politician but as a resident group person who is very proud of community achievements, including the development of Glebe Library.

By Florencia Melgar

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